Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mom Cat remembers, a little. . .

Haven't been very good at keeping up the posts. Sometimes surviving all the myriad hoops of care-giving,and trying to have a life just get in the way. Nice conversation with mom today on the phone. I'd scheduled a doctor's appointment, just a checkup, something she'd always scheduled for herself and crowed about how she always came out with flying colors. Of course now, she can't quite remember what a check up is for, and asks what does the doctor want to see. She originally called because she happened to recall that I'd said we had a doctor's appointment tomorrow but not with whom and why. She wanted to know the doctor's name but I was happy that she noticed that it wasn't her regular doctor's name. Of course this is the regular doctor from 17 months ago and I had to remind her that the new doctor is a woman and that she's already seen her twice. Well, how cool that she said that there had been two doctors, and which one was she going to see. That's actually a good thing, two days ago, she wouldn't have recalled one woman doctor and certainly not two. It's the little things. Always good to recall that Mom's in there, sometimes close to the top and sometimes only on the outside but I love her.

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