Monday, July 11, 2011

Doctor, doctor, have you heard the word or never Underestimate the Fear of Alzheimer's

 We had our check up today.  MomCat was ready and waiting downstairs, mental note: "MomCat  prefers post-breakfast and pre-lunch appointments."  Good to know.  All is well, physically, though since she's now 5'4 1/2, she does appear to be shrinking.  Did I used to think she was 5 10 or was it 5 6, I'm sensing a trend here.  The doctor noted that Mom repeated the same story to her as last time.  Interesting that she would recall that story so I s'pose that proves the doc's ok but somehow she still wants confirmation of MomCat's condition. So off to another neurologist for a battery of tests that will confirm the diagnosis.  Let's note for the record that I don't need a confirmation of the diagnosis.
      Humor element of the day came when the Doc., informed me that the neurologist MomCat had visited in June is no longer working.  Geez, that really was a bad appointment but who knew Mom had that kind of effect on the help.  That neurologist seemed to have no real idea how to handle anyone with Alz. let alone MomCat.  It's true that having the academic foundation is no substitute for actually being in the trenches.  My advice to her, take the time to spend the time with the patients.  I wonder how many MomCat will go through before she officially rates her own page in JAMA.

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