Friday, March 27, 2015

Hmmm So Much time, so many reasons, but let's not go down that road again. Did'ya miss us, we're still here, sorta. . . .

Well, 4 years later, and we're still dealing.  Good and Bad days.  Yet another breakthrough today:    People always tell me, get Mom in the study but realistically, we were lucky enough to celebrate her 85th birthday and she's still ambulatory.  She's talking, sometimes the conversations make more sense than others but she's not going to understand or cooperate.  That ship, I think has sailed.  I'm not saying she couldn't have treatments if they are available but the fear of the unknown ramps up and there's very little help she would give in the way that most studies are structured.  Now if they wanted to make the study work with someone with Alzheimer's, they should meet them in their own environment.  Now there's a thought. 

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