Thursday, September 22, 2011

Speaking Alzheimerian or The Language of Alzheimer's

Thursday, September 22, 2011

     It's been a while granted, major computer problems, not  completely solved at this time.  Suffices to say, that these problems render it almost unimaginably difficult to type . . . hence the problem.  But having said that, if you have any interest in Alzheimer's, as a patient, caregiver, physician or family member you just gotta read the Alzheimer's Reading Room, it's a jewel, a comfort and a wealth of information.  Hence, I've included a link to today's topic.  It's true, it's real, I live it and it helps me to get through the day or a visit with my mom.  I've added two quotes to the article that seem to say it all. . . . .

"When you get to Alzheimer's World you have to learn how to speak Alzheimerian. A new and different language that always starts with a very simple basic premise -- always do what is best for the person living with dementia."

"Well, the language in Alzeheimer's World is also different and sooner or later you need to learn how to speak Alzheimerian (Alz-heim-er-ian)."

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